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The influence of the wrapper
For committed connoisseurs, the chance to dig deep into the details of how a cigar
is made was truly an opportunity to be savoured
Simply by changing the wrapper of a handful of their most popular lines, Davidoff has demonstrated their versatility in introducing new flavours and experiences to their 702 Series. Club Limitada, Dubai’s most popular cigar club, was at the vanguard of this evolution in cigar smoking, hosting a superlative evening for the city’s avowed connoisseurs. Congregating at the luxurious At.Mosphere Lounge in Burj Khalifa, exquisite views across the city lent the evening a magical air, as canapés prepared by Executive Chef Yann Meinsel were served to guests throughout the evening. Guests commenced their experience with Davidoff Special R and concluded with Davidoff Special R 702 Series, discerning the intensity and aromas paired most agreeably with an 18-year-old Glenfiddich.