

Davidoff’s Cusano Dominican Connecticut

Cigar lovers around the world are increasingly seeking out great value quality blends and taste experiences. to meet this demand Oettinger Davidoff has launched the new Cusano Dominican Connecticut line of long filler cigars, blended with fine Dominican filler tobaccos…

Modern Classic

DIFC’s Mint Leaf Of London offers contemporary luxury fare influenced by well-known Indian classics. Mint Leaf of London recently joined the ranks of posh London restaurants to set
up a new eatery in Dubai, but few have made the transition as…

Making A Splash

Gulf Craft’s display of the Majesty 135 stunned visitors at the Monaco yacht show last month, drawing in crowds to experience the largest superyacht the UAE-based shipbuilder has ever showcased in Europe. Emanating innovation and luxury, the presentation of Gulf…

Concrete Jungle: Tokyo

Huge and varied in its geography, with over 2,000 square kilometres to explore, Tokyo Metropolis spans not just the city, but rugged mountains to the
west and subtropical islands to the south. But that’s hardly what you’ll notice as a first-time…

Carolina Herrera
 CH Men Privé

Carolina Herrera has introduced CH Men Privé, the new masculine fragrance for the CH Caroline Herrera family. The new scent is warm and luxurious,
with notes of whisky and leather, which the brand describes as provocative, modern and rich. The fragrance…

Habanos Launches New Añejados Cigars

Continuing a Concept that was introduced a year ago, Habanos has launched two new Añejados, Cuban cigars which have already been rolled and aged for five years or more. The cigars are branded under Partagas and Hoyo de Monterrey. The…

History of Innovation

Carl f. Bucherer pieces are near the top of many aficionados’ wish lists, due largely to the fact that, under their pretty faces, there are some of the most intriguing movements and complications to be found anywhere. Perhaps not as…

Lamborghini’s Latest V10

Virtuozity gets behind the wheel of Lamborghini’s latest V10 junior supercar. The biggest question for any engineer is what to do next after you build a truly great car. What happens when the boss knocks on your office door and…

The Future of Tradition

Virtuozity speaks exclusively with Lionel Betoux, the CEO and owner of independent Swiss watchmaker Cabestan. the niche Brand specialises in creating incredible, ultra-luxurious timepieces, featuring fascinating movements developed entirely in- house – Betoux says that the mantra is creating the…

Palm-Style Living

Aptly named after the Palm Jumeirah, Fairmont The palm, Dubai, is the latest flagship for the luxury hotel company. Opened in late 2012, this property features 381 guest- rooms and suites, including two presidential suites, 3,000 square metres of meeting…